
What to Expect When Calling a Helpline

When you’re feeling overwhelmed and isolated, hotline counseling offers a quick and convenient way to find trained support. Learn more about how helplines work, as well as their benefits and limitations.

What is a Helpline?

Whether you’re dealing with trauma, depression, addiction, or some other mental health issue, you might feel overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness. This feeling can sometimes be accompanied by intense shame, guilt, self-loathing, or even suicidal thoughts.

It’s important to remember that this pain is temporary and treatable. However, isolation can intensify your feelings, so you should reach out for help as soon as possible. Helplines give you the opportunity to shed that sense of loneliness and connect with a live, caring person while still maintaining your anonymity.

Helpline, hotline, or crisis line chat services are fairly straightforward. You call or text to talk with someone who’s ready to listen, offer feedback, suggest resources, and provide comfort. If the situation is dire, the person on the other end of the phone may also be able to contact local services for immediate help. However, in many cases, callers find that simply talking through their problems is enough to provide relief. Helplines also exist to help people who are concerned about loved ones or who are acting as caretakers.

Each year, millions of people reach out for hotline counseling. To give you an idea of how many people use these resources, here’s some recent data:

  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) National Helpline received 833,598 calls in 2020.
  • The National Domestic Violence Hotline received 636,968 calls, online chats, and texts in 2020.
  • The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline received 2,392,790 calls in 2020.

Types of Helplines

You might imagine helplines as being resources just for people who are in crisis or thinking of suicide. Although some helplines do serve that very purpose, others focus on different types of mental health concerns. In fact, you don’t have to be in immediate danger to call a helpline. Some examples of helplines include:

  • Suicide prevention: For people experiencing suicidal thoughts or those concerned about a loved one who may be suicidal.
  • Domestic violence: For those experiencing or fearing abuse, offering immediate support.
  • Addiction: Available for people struggling with substance abuse, gambling, or other addictions, as well as their loved ones.
  • Dementia: For individuals with dementia and their caregivers, providing emotional support and practical advice.
  • Bullying: For victims of bullying seeking advice or emotional support.
  • Eating disorders: Focused on helping those struggling with eating disorders like anorexia nervosa.

Other helplines cater to specific groups, such as teenagers, parents, veterans, or LGBTQ+ individuals. There are also support lines specializing in ADHD and autism.

Common Concerns About Calling a Helpline

Feeling hesitant or nervous about calling a helpline is completely normal. Here are some common concerns and reasons why you shouldn’t let these factors deter you:

  • Fear of being judged: Helpline workers are trained to be non-judgmental and offer support without criticism. You can offer as little or as much information as you want.
  • Not sure what to say: Preparing a quick list of your greatest concerns can help you organize your thoughts. Keep paper and a pencil nearby to write down any information the helpline worker offers.
  • Unsure if the call will be helpful: A study of 5,001 calls across five different crisis lines found that nearly all surveyed callers found the services useful.

What to Expect During a Helpline Call

Your call experience will vary based on the helpline you contact, why you’re calling, and the severity of the situation. In general, here’s what to expect:

  1. Initial Connection: The first voice you hear may be an automated one, especially if the service is busy. The message will either ask you to stay on the line or offer options like switching languages.
  2. Talking to a Volunteer or Counselor: After the automated message, you’ll talk to a volunteer or counselor trained to provide support. Some helplines offer peer support, linking you with someone who has experienced a similar situation.

Starting the Conversation:

  • The helpline worker will ask questions to understand your situation, such as “How can I help you?” or “What led you to reach out today?”
  • They might ask for your first name, age, preferred pronouns, or location to offer better service, but you’re not obligated to provide any information you’re uncomfortable sharing.

Telling Your Story:

  • Don’t feel rushed. These calls are free, and many lines are available 24/7.
  • Your problems matter. Don’t hesitate to share your issues, no matter how insignificant or intense they may seem.

What to Expect from a Helpline Worker

Helpline workers are active listeners trained to help you process your emotions and situation. They won’t judge, tell you what to do, or prescribe medication, but they may offer advice and intervention ideas. They might help you create an action plan that covers what to do next, such as:

  • Creating a list of friends and family members you can reach out to during a crisis.
  • Identifying local resources.
  • Deciding on steps to take, like finding a therapist for long-term support.

Choosing a Helpline

Finding the right helpline can seem overwhelming, but here are a few steps to simplify the process:

  1. Sort Through Directories: Use resources like HelpGuide’s directory of helplines based on your country.
  2. Match Your Needs: Choose a helpline that best matches your personal needs, whether you’re struggling with addiction, feeling suicidal, or caring for someone else.
  3. Evaluate Your Comfort: Consider your preferences for communication—phone call, online chat, or text.
  4. Assess the Call: After the call, evaluate how you felt and whether the advice was helpful. If not, try a different helpline.

Alternatives to Calling

If talking over the phone isn’t comfortable, consider text helplines or online chat services. These options allow you to type your messages, which can feel less formal and make it easier to share your thoughts.

When to Seek Other Resources

Helplines are excellent for immediate support but have limitations. Long-term counseling or therapy might be a better fit if you have ongoing mental health struggles. Consider therapy if:

  • You frequently call helplines but need more support.
  • A helpline worker suggests looking for long-term support.
  • You want to build rapport with a mental health professional.
  • You feel you would benefit from group sessions.

Benefits of Therapy:

  • Identifying unhealthy patterns and underlying issues.
  • Suggesting practices that improve emotional, cognitive, and social wellness.
  • Setting goals and evaluating progress over time.
  • Group sessions offer a support network of people with similar issues.

Online therapy is another option, offering convenience but requiring a stable internet connection. Finding the right therapist might require some trial and error, and considering the financial cost is important.

Remember, helpline workers can provide quick and free comfort whenever you need it. Whatever you’re going through, you don’t have to face it alone.

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